A Saas and On-Prem

Mass Notification System

To ensure you are successful in selecting an Emergency Mass Notification System,
there are several things you should consider before buying.
Don’t just selct the Emergency Mass Notification Systems with most features or lowest price. Make sure the system fits to your needs. To assist you we have offered some advice below:

Are you going to use the Mass Notification System frequently or infrequently?

If you are using the system infrequently make sure you select a  Mass Notification system that is very easy to understand. Otherwise you will end up with a very capable system that the user doesn’t know how to use when an incident occurs. Ease of use is more crucial for an Emergency Notification System that is used seldomly than for a system that is used frequently. Functionality has to be necessary, intuitive and easy to use. A system user needs to feel confident with the system. Read more about how RapidReach is easy to use>>

Also take into consideration how many people will use the system to activate notifications. If you want to lower the threshold for people activating Emergency Notification consider not use the Notification Panel >>

Central management or decentralized?

Does your organisation have the capability to manage contact data, messages and scenarios in the Emergency Mass Notification System centrally, or would you like message recipients to manage their data management via their own portal?
If you are looking to decentralize the management of data, ensure that the process is as simple as possible with no jargon or unnecessary functionality.
If you are centralizing the management of contact data, can you automate the process or is that overkill for your requirements? Functionality costs money, is it really necessary?

How is the system going to be implemented?

Many implementations of Emergency Mass Notification Systems fail due to over complication of the management system and unclear ownership of the system.
Make sure you there is a clear ownership of data in the system. Who is responsible for the overall system. In each department is it clear who has the responsibility to keep the system up to date.
Think through the implementation in advance and try to keep it simple. Decide what is needed and what is just nice to have.

Is this your experience?

We regularly receive enquiries from organisations currently using other providers.
A common theme is that too many emergency notification projects have failed because of too much complexity setting up and maintaining a system, and too steep a learning curve for administrators. It doesn’t have to be this way.

The RapidReach way

RapidReach is designed to be easy to implement, easy to use, practical and secure.
It’s so easy so we offer you to help with the migration for free. 

Easy migration and setup

We will assist with the migration of your data and the setup of RapidReach. In most cases this can be achieved in 3-4 hours.

Only pay for what you use

RapidReach has a modular design and cost model. You don’t pay for unnecessary functionality that you don’t require.

Save money and increase value

Contact our sales team to see how much switching to RapidReach could save you. In many cases we have been able to reduce costs significantly with no compromise on functionality.

If you want to get in touch with us or if you like to hear more about what we have to offer, click on “Contact Us” and fill in the form.

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